Hitting Your Sweet Spot
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Theme / Financial Planning
In tennis, there is something called the “sweet spot.” When you swing the racket and the tennis ball hits that spot on your strings, it is rewarding! The sweet spot is in the center of the strings, and it is the place that produces the most power and control. Beginners often hit the ball on the outside parts of their strings, nearer the frame, which lessens their chance to hit a good shot. More experienced players learn how to hit the sweet spot on every shot, whether hitting a forehand, backhand, volley, serve, overhead, approach shot, and even a half-volley.
Each of us has a sweet spot for investing. Think of investing as involving four circles. One circle is Performance: investing to get competitive returns. Another circle is Time Horizon: investing to meet our long-term goals. A third circle is Risk Tolerance: investing according to our tolerance for market swings. The fourth circle is Moral: investing to match our values. When these four circles intersect, that is our investing sweet spot! That is when our investments align with who we are and what we want to accomplish. By leaving out one or more circles in our investment decisions, we invest on the periphery, sacrificing our potential for rewarding investments.
Scripture also has a sweet spot. It is Christ. The Old Testament prophesies of His first coming, the Gospels share His life story, the New Testament epistles teach about Him, and the book of Revelation expects his second coming. The sweet spot in Scripture is to follow Jesus “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 3:3). We are to live our lives wisely, seeking to know and reflect Jesus more and more.
The next time you play tennis, hit the ball in the center of the strings for the most power and control. The next time you invest, focus on the intersection of the four circles for purposeful investments. And above all, strive to follow Jesus for a lifetime of rewards!
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor