The Foundation of Financial Freedom
Read Time / 2 Minutes
Theme / Biblically Responsible Investing
The F word was not allowed growing up.
Every time this word was muttered, there were repercussions. I know what you are thinking — “Ryan, no one should be allowed to say this word.” Yes, the word began with the letter F, BUT it was a synonym for passing gas. Since it was a crude way to describe a natural body function which should be done in private, my dad referred to it as “The F Word”. This was a boundary laid out for his family.
Boundaries have been a sore spot for humanity since the beginning. In Genesis 2:16-17, “And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” The Lord established a boundary for His image bearer.
When we are young, boundaries are seen as restraints, a hindrance to our freedom. Yet, maturity reveals freedom is not the absence of but the application of healthy boundaries. Boundaries create security.
At Christian Wealth Management, we are on a journey of understanding how our relationship with God relates to our finances and investments. Our desire is to say yes to our Heavenly Father in advancing His Kingdom. Through this conviction, boundaries have been drawn on what we are willing to profit off and support through the companies we own in our investments. For example, we exclude investments which seek to profit off addictions like pornography, alcohol, and tobacco. This evaluation process is referred to as Biblically Responsible Investing.
As a child, I couldn’t understand why certain words were off limits to our family. Yet, the boundaries my dad enforced, which increased my ability to control my tongue, brought liberation. Similarly, if we wish to experience a new level of financial liberation, we must seek out and discern the voice of God and effectively apply His instruction.
Ryan De Amicis
Wealth Advisor