What Beavers Teach Us

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Theme / Financial Planning

We immediately noticed the swath of missing bark near the base of the large tree, and upon closer examination we could see evidence of chew marks.  We had seen the evidence before, but on much smaller trees.  The beavers in the nearby pond were at it again!  However, because of the tree’s girth, the beavers would have to make a concerted effort over a long time to fell this tree.


There are several reasons why beavers chew on trees.  One is to feast on the bark and the soft layers of wood underneath.  Another is to make the tree fall to use its branches for building.  A third is to keep their teeth healthy through gnawing.  In Genesis 2:19 we read, “Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky.”  These creations of God should never cease to amaze us.  Not only for the variety of creatures God made, but also for the lessons we can learn from them.


What can beavers teach us regarding our finances?  During a period of rising interest rates and high inflation, which is the period we are now in, a wise financial strategy is to pay down debt – especially what we owe on credit cards.  As interest rates rise, credit card interest rates often rise, adding pressure on our pocketbooks as we struggle to buy the necessities of life at higher prices due to inflation.  If our credit card debt seems overwhelming, let’s learn from beavers.  When beavers eventually fell a large tree, it provides access to future resources.  Likewise, let us chip away at credit card debt, making slow but sure progress.  When we eventually fell the debt tree, future benefits await us: we can use the freed-up cash flow to build-up an emergency fund – another wise financial strategy. 

Doug Hanson, MBA

Wealth Advisor




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