Get Rich Quick

Read Time / 2 Minutes

Theme / Wise Living

Warren Buffet was 11 years old when he bought his first stock; I bought my first at 16.  What did we have in common? Our fathers were the influential forces in these decisions.


It was the middle of the financial crisis.  Knowing I was a serious saver, my dad came to me with a stock tip.  A well-known radio company’s stock price had plummeted.  Uneducated and afraid to lose my hard-earned money, my dad lent an encouraging hand by offering a match. “If you put in $50, I’ll put in $50,” he said.  Our investment was successful and within a few years, we had profited 10x.  Well done!  Except, greed took over while I wondered throughout college, “why did I only invest $100?”


You may relate.  Whether from a missed investment or career opportunity, hindsight is 20/20, and it’s human to wonder what could have been.  While we look for microwave solutions to life’s challenges, wise counsel reminds us the best solutions move at the speed of a tortoise.  


Proverbs 13:11 states, “wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.”  As many stories there are about individuals who come into wealth, there are a surprising amount of stories about how they lost it all.


What’s the problem? 


When I was young, being wealthy was the dream.  Wealth makes a poor goal.  Thankfully, as we mature, so do our desires.  Our goals should be centered around What God is wanting to do in and through us in this moment and what is the cost (as known as risk)? 


In 2008, my dad encouraged me to venture out of my comfort zone and try something new.  It was through this risk I discovered a career with purpose and meaning. 

Ryan De Amicis

Wealth Advisor



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