Taking That First Step
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Theme / Stewardship
My wife teaches at a local community college and was impressed with a recent student who took a significant first step. The student immigrated from a developing nation to the States forty years ago, but she has yet to learn English. Now, many years after arriving in America, she came to the community college to seek help in improving her communication skills.
My wife teaches a wide range of students, some more diligent than others, and some taking bigger first steps than others. Scripture encourages us to be diligent as we live our lives: “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance” (Proverbs 21:5). Diligence begins with assessing where we are, where we want to go, and developing a plan to get there.
Like many other facets of life, successfully reaching our financial goals requires diligence. There are only five things we can do with money:
1) live on it
2) give it away
3) pay debt we owe
4) pay taxes we owe
5) grow it.
(Think live, give, owe, grow!) If we do not have specific financial goals and a plan to reach them, then we will be like a juggler, constantly trying to keep all the balls in the air. For many of us, the two areas that need the most attention are reducing current debt and investing for the future. Diligent investing requires building liquidity and margin for the present and setting long-term goals for the future.
We should all be encouraged and challenged by the students my wife teaches. Each of them, in their own way, are taking a first step towards reaching their goals. Let each of us consider where we would like to be financially and begin our journey! And, just as my wife is there to help her students, Christian Wealth Management is here to help you.
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor