More is Caught Than Taught

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Theme / Behavioral Finance

Sunday mornings were sacred in my family as a child.  While the rest of the family was up and getting ready for church, I would be in my cozy bed sneaking any drop of sleep I could.  I was certain just five extra minutes would get me the rest I needed to get over the hump.  My dad was not so convinced.  He’d walk into my room and rip off my warm comforter leaving me exposed to the harsh house elements and sing the dreaded words: “It’s time to getty-up-um!” 

Throughout my early teens, I longed for the day I would gain independence believing it would unlock a deeper sense of fulfillment.  I was confident I’d do things much differently in my adulthood.  Now, what’s humorous is how many habits and values I’ve adopted from my parents.

This life is full of mystery.  We often resort to using our words to bring instruction and guidance.  Clear verbal communication is important.  But, it’s just a small piece to the puzzle of effective leadership.  When I consider why I do what I do, I realize I learned more from observing my parents lives than through their verbal direction.

It’s been shown that observational learning has a profound impact on our habits. Yet, we resort to over verbalizing our advice.  I’m guilty of this every day.  “It’s important to save.”  “Watch out for those credit cards!”  “Start investing while you’re young!” 

Proverbs 22:10 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”  The Hebrew word for train up is ḥă·nōḵ, which means to narrow, to initiate, disciple.  Training requires verbal instruction as well as a process to walk through.  Let us be a people who communicate clearly and live out what it’s like to honor God with our finances.

I struggle pinpointing a time when my parents told me to “value church,” yet it was obvious.  While ripping off my covers got me out of bed that morning, my parents faithfully serving their church over the years kept me run through its doors into my adulthood.  After all, more is caught than taught.

Ryan De Amicis

Wealth Advisor



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