Journey of Generosity (JOG)
Read Time / 2 Minutes
Theme / Generosity
Let’s take a journey together. It won’t be your typical journey, but it will be a meaningful one. It will be a journey that will cause you to reevaluate your relationship with God, with money, and with generosity. Welcome to a Journey of Generosity (JOG)!
In the 1990s several couples got together to discuss how they could be more generous. They decided to look through Scripture and to talk to people who were generous. Out of this the organization Generous Giving was born ( A foundation then provided funding in perpetuity to develop and conduct a one-day seminar called JOG. The JOG is a combination of looking at relevant Scripture, watching videos about generous people, personal reflection, and group discussion. Because the JOG is fully funded, there is no cost to attend and there is no asking for donations for any ministries ( In the JOG, we look to the Lord to guide our thinking about generosity.
I recently facilitated a JOG and thoroughly enjoyed the encouragement and insights I received from attendees as they journeyed with me through the seminar material. There were nine of us who met for a day in a local church. Lunch and snacks were provided.
I am excited to facilitate more JOGs in the future. If a JOG piques your interest, let me know and we can figure out when and where to hold a JOG in your area. Perhaps you can think of a few others that may want to attend. Generosity brings joy: “…remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:35). Joy is experienced in the act of giving. Let’s take that journey of joy together.
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor