A Blog About Something
Read Time / 3 Minutes
Theme / Faith, Finance, and Food
Smoothie bowls are delicious. It’s one of my favorite meals. Mixed frozen berries blended, with fresh slices of banana, coconut slivers, and topped with granola — voilà, magnifico!
The ingredient that really makes this a tasty treat is the granola. Oh, and there are so many types of granola! From Pumpkin Maple to Peanut Butter to Chocolate Hazelnut, the options on how to make rolled oats taste favoloso is countless. In fact, granola is so tasty I’ve learned to buy them in small quantities because it’s likely going to be consumed within 24 hours.
From my teenage to young adult years, my diet was of little importance. I mean I practically lived off Triple Grande Starbucks Mochas and Maple Scones and felt like a million bucks… just ask my friend Ethan. While my diet wasn’t a top concern, I was intentional with making wise financial decisions at a young age. I started working and saving money since I was 8 years old, and I’m proud of it.
Feeling confident in my ability to live within my means, I’d come across verses like Proverbs 21:20 that would stroke my ego. Maybe, you’ve read it:
In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.
Clearly, this verse is about how important it is to save money and how foolish it is to spend all the money you have. As a result, this verse as often served as a — well done, Ry.
That was until God shed new light.
My friends know I really enjoy granola, and I often joke that I have a granola addiction. It’s mostly funny, but the underlying reality is granola is my comfort food. I struggle keeping it around the house knowing I’ll likely reach for it and eat more than I need. It’s been something that’s bothered me for some time now and while I’m good at saving money, I’m poor at saving granola.
So, the last time I came across the verse, the Lord highlight the words chose food and devours it all. And, all of a sudden, a verse that I’ve reduced to be Biblical insight about money suddenly is challenging me in my eating habits. As I result, I rewrote Proverbs 21:20 on a whiteboard in my kitchen, which now reads:
In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all [his granola].
I call this translation of scripture the Ryan Standard Version.
I’m excited about this new insight of using a food I really enjoy to lean into something deeper that the Lord might be wanting to do in my life. Also, if I can be disciplined, I can keep different types of granola around the house for continued motivation to eat a healthy dose of blended frozen fruits, which I sneak in some cooked power greens — but, that’s a secret… so, keep that on the down low.
Ryan De Amicis
Wealth Advisor