Read Time / 2 Minutes
Theme / Retirement Planning
The bike was falling and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was the first time that I had fallen off my bike in years, but this fall was different. My shoes were stuck to my pedals. That is right, I was learning to ride clipped-in, with new biking shoes securely attached to new pedals. Unfortunately, I forgot my new arrangement when I came to my first stop and with no forward motion, and no practice at unclipping quickly, gravity took over.
I skinned my knee and elbow, but I learned a good lesson: bike riding was different now. It reminds me of the difference we face in investing as we consider retirement. For most of our lives we focus on “accumulation” in investing, while in retirement our focus shifts to “distribution.” In retirement, we want to make sure our money provides us the income we need to live the rest of our lives comfortably.
Scripture offers guidance: “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:11). It can be a challenge for us to rethink our investments as our days get numbered, but confidence can be found in wisdom. There are many resources and strategies available to help us navigate the change and make it possible for us to live out Psalm 92:14 “They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.”
I have since learned to unclip before I stop, but I still must consciously process the act, perhaps out of fear, but perhaps out of wisdom. Being clipped-in certainly makes riding more efficient, which allows me to ride further and faster than before. That should be our goal in retirement, to live long, fruitful lives, until the Lord takes us home. Let us all clip-in for the ride!
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor
(208) 697-3699