Board Game Strategy
Read Time / 2 Minutes
Theme / Wise Decisions
My wife and I like to play board games and our favorite is the strategic game, “Settlers of Catan.” The goal of the game is to become the largest settler on an island through acquiring resources (wood, grain, wool, ore, and brick) and building structures (settlements, cities, and roads). Players can strategically trade resources to gain the right resources to build. Players that trade without forethought jeopardize their chance to win – they trade away resources they need, or they provide key resources to a competing player.
Using strategy in a board game like “Settlers of Catan” is important, but it pales in comparison to strategies we need in life. What’s our strategy for raising our children, for our marriage, for our health, for our friendships, for our money? Scripture encourages us to think strategically in all aspects of our lives: “Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways” (Proverbs 4:26). A good strategy involves a goal and a plan.
To be good stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to us, we need to have an investment strategy. By answering the following questions, we can make strides towards becoming good stewards.
· What are my reasons for making this investment?
· Have I integrated my Biblical convictions into my investment strategy?
· Am I investing unwisely due to an attitude of greed, pride, or fear?
I enjoy playing “Settlers of Catan,” but I must confess that I can easily wander from my plan and never reach my goal. (Games are played to be social rather than competitive, right?) Wandering is fine in board games, but it is not a good strategy for life. Let each of us “give careful thought” and “be steadfast” as we establish and pursue goals in our lives!
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor