Will I Have Enough?
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Theme / Faith & Finance
Are you concerned about how much you will need to retire? Will it be enough? Will you outlive your money? If so, there’s good news — you aren’t the first to lose sleep over these questions and you won’t be the last.
Wait, don’t we need a story to start the blog? Yes, we do! Over the past few months, I rekindled a love for an old childhood sport — rock climbing. It’s excellent exercise and a really fun activity to do with others. Anyway, beginner climbers tend to ask themselves the wrong question as they attempt to work their way up the wall. They often ask, “how can I use my arms?” as the 45 foot wall towers over them. Well, this is the wrong question. Since our lower body is much stronger, the key to the top is our feet. Beginner climbers should be asking themselves — “how can I use my feet to conquer this wall?”
Ron Blue, the founder of Kingdom Advisors — the largest professional Christian Financial Advisor network in the nation, sheds unique light on how most individuals and families try to use their “arms” to climb to financial freedom. Ron reveals the fundamental questions one should be asking are the questions of a steward — a steward of the Lord, the Creator of the Universe.
Instead of asking — how much do I need? — We should remind ourselves, who owns it?
Replace — will I have enough — with how much is enough?
Exchange — will we outlive our money — with is the next steward chosen and prepared?
Climbing has a lot of challenges. You use muscles that often lie dormant. A large amount of faith is put in your partner, harness, and rope to catch you when you fall. My favorite part is the problem solving required to make it to the top. A funny thing about problem solving — you can’t solve a problem by asking the wrong question.
Ryan De Amicis
Wealth Advisor