When Do You Need a Financial Advisor?
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Theme / Financial Planning
I recently snowshoed into a yurt in the mountains with my family and stayed two nights. We had reserved the yurt through the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation several months earlier since it was a popular destination. We kept the wood stove stoked and played games while the snow blew sideways outside. As with many vacation rentals, there was a guest book to write in, which we perused over hot chocolate. You could tell that people had time to write, with no distractions from cell phones and social media. I snapped a picture of one page that made me laugh. It was dated 2/23-2/26 2022 and signed by Women With Wrinkles. Thanks to the original authors, whoever they might be! Here are their words.
Day One – Our 74-year-old realized she would move up her double knee replacement surgery from June to ASAP.
Day Two – Our 64-year-old skied way less than normal and now knows how immediate her knee surgery will be.
Day Three – Our 71-year-old skied up a storm and took a tiny fall and now is contemplating knee surgery.
Day Four – Another beautiful journey at this yurt. Laughing, loving, eating, caring for one another.
As I poured another cup of hot chocolate, I thought of parallels with their decisions to get knee surgeries with reasons I’ve seen for clients to start working with me as a financial advisor. In both cases, events came into their lives that caused them to act. Clients have often turned to me when:
· They get their first job and want to begin investing wisely
· They get married and want to plan for their lives together
· They have children and want to provide for them
· They start a business and want to incorporate that into their financial plans
· They change jobs and want to rollover employer retirement plans
· They are nearing retirement and want to analyze their retirement options
· They are in retirement and want their investments wisely managed
· They have been retired for a while and are considering their options for leaving an inheritance
· Or, at any time in their lives, they learn about faith-based investing and want to do so
Proverbs 15:22 reads, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” I’m assuming The Women With Wrinkles returned from their yurt experience and talked to their orthopedic surgeons about knee surgeries. Likewise, when you have an event in your life that you want financial advice on, please reach out to us at Christian Wealth Management. We may even offer you a cup of hot chocolate!
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor