The Lord’s Prayer and Finances

Read Time / 2 Minutes

Theme / Generosity

Many of us are familiar with the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6, in which we are instructed to pray “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  We may pray these words, but we don’t often contemplate what the answer may look like.  I wonder, from a financial perspective, what would God’s kingdom on earth look like?


There are several ways to understand the kingdom of God, but it culminates with God establishing a new heaven and a new earth as described in the last two chapters of the Bible.  In Revelation 21, we read of a new Jerusalem, with the glory of God as its light, into which “the kings of the earth will bring their splendor.”  Furthermore, in an Old Testament passage that apparently reflects this procession of kings, we read that they will bring “the wealth of the nations” into “the city of the Lord” (Isaiah 60:11).


Why are they bringing this wealth to the Lord?  Perhaps the answer is found in one word: humility.  The kings understand the source and the blessings of the light, and in humility they bring their wealth to the Lord to thank and honor Him.  It would be easy for the kings to be prideful in their accomplishments, but, instead, in humbleness, they show their gratitude.


Humility is then one characteristic of God’s kingdom from a financial perspective.  And, since we are encouraged In Matthew 6:33 to “seek first the kingdom of God,” how can we show humility in our finances today?  A suggestion is to control our expenses so that we can be more generous.  One approach is to determine a cap on our overall living expenses, still adequately providing for our families, but honoring the Lord by being generous with the rest.  Another approach is to determine an expenditure cap on a specific activity, such as a major purchase or an extended vacation, and devote the balance to the Lord.


Regardless of how literally we may interpret the book of Revelation – and understand the kingdom of God – let’s show humility in our finances.  It may be an answer to prayer.

Doug Hanson, MBA

Wealth Advisor



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