Senior Prank: Legacy of Mice
Read Time / 2 Minutes
Theme / Financial Planning
A few minutes after the lights dimmed, the screams started. At first it was one scream here, another scream there, but screams soon filled the church sanctuary. I was a senior in college, and I convinced a few friends to pull off a senior prank during chapel at the small Christian college we attended. I bought eighteen mice from a local pet store and distributed the mice to my friends who snuck them into chapel in empty carboard toilet paper tubes hidden inside their coats. We positioned ourselves strategically throughout the sanctuary and waited impatiently for chapel to start.
Coincidently, there was a film being shown that day, which provided the perfect cover for letting the mice loose in the dark. Eventually bedlam broke out – girls jumped up onto pews, guys hit the floor to catch the scrambling bewildered mice, the lights came on, and the film stopped – our prank was a success!
There are many ways to leave a legacy, ranging from a senior prank to an inheritance for our loved ones. Scripture encourages us to consider helping our families financially: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children” (Proverbs 13:22a), but with a warning to be wise about who we help: “The foolish man spends whatever he gets” (Proverbs 21:20b).
Chapel resumed after the mice were caught, but the damage was done, and by that afternoon I was called into the Dean of Students office and reprimanded for the legacy I was leaving. We can certainly question my legacy of mice, but we should not question Scripture’s teaching on helping others. Let each of us be thankful for the finances and the family the Lord has blessed us with and let each of us remember to wisely help others by leaving a legacy of the Lord’s blessings.
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor
(208) 697-3699