Stepping Out In Faith
Read Time / 2 Minutes
Theme / Financial Planning
It was the middle of nowhere when we stepped out of the car and my wife drove off. We were twenty miles of mountainous backwoods roads from home on a damp early Saturday morning in western Oregon. As my wife’s car went out of sight, my friend and I started running because that was the plan. We were nearing the end of several months of training for a marathon, and it was time for a long-weekend run. I had a written plan for training and this date was circled on the calendar for our first almost-marathon-length run.
Stepping out of the car took faith. We were there to reach a goal, but it was still an uncomfortable feeling being left alone many miles from civilization (before the days of cell phones). Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” My friend and I stepped out of the car confidently, yet hopeful, that we would be able to run home, but we certainly couldn’t see it.
We operate by faith in many areas of our lives, including setting financial goals. They may seem hard to reach, including saving for the future (house down payment, college, retirement) or paying off debt (credit card, auto loan, mortgage), but we need to step out in faith to reach those goals.
A few weeks after that Saturday morning run, my friend and I ran the marathon. It was not easy, but we finished, and I had reached my goal. Likewise, what goals would you like to achieve financially? Write them down, step out in faith, take specific steps, and reach your goals! When you do, remember that God is faithful, so have “confidence” and “assurance” as you move forward. And know that Christian Wealth Management is here to run with you, no matter the distance!
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor