Real Men Drink Black Coffee
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Theme / Generosity
It was the last thing I wanted, and I could not imagine why anyone would. But my grandfather thought it was perfect, which intrigued me. He was a quiet man, retired from a lifetime of working with his hands, and I considered him a real man. He started out in life by building wooden storage boxes for commercial fishermen on Lake Superior, and eventually built several log cabins in Minnesota and Oregon, a large wooden boat for Steelhead fishing, and a camper to go on his pickup for elk hunting.
One summer, while I was in grade school, he drove from Oregon to visit us in northern Idaho to renovate old apartments that my parents owned – and I had the summertime job of helping him. Every day at 10 a.m. he would take a break. The days were hot, and I was thirsty, ready for an ice-cold Orange Crush soda. But my grandfather would pull out his stainless-steel thermos, unscrew the cup on top, and pour himself a cup of steaming hot black coffee. He seemed to enjoy it, while I sat there astonished, not believing that there was any joy in drinking hot liquid on a hot day, especially unsweetened liquid!
The Bible speaks of joy in life: “And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony” (Colossians 3:14). If we want to live a life of joy, then practicing love is foundational. We can even practice love in our investments. If we have a traditional IRA, Uncle Sam mandates that we withdraw Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) annually once we turn 72 (which we pay taxes on). One way to practice love is to donate the withdrawals to one or more non-profits through Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs). The non-profits receive the gifts tax free and can further bless those they serve.
I drink my coffee black today. It is probably the closest I will come to being the real man my grandfather was, but I least I am trying. By the same token, let each of us try to incorporate love into our finances and bless others. If we plan ahead, just as my grandfather did with his thermos of black coffee, then we can love others financially even during retirement.
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor
(208) 697-3699