My Loving Drill Sergeant
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Theme / Behavioral Finance
I kept putting it off. But the longer I waited, the more I suffered, and the more I realized I needed to do something. I finally decided to do it – I had total hip replacement surgery! You can google it to learn more, but it is amazing what an orthopedic surgeon and medical technology can do. Getting the surgery was a great new beginning, but the real work for me began with physical therapy in the weeks after the surgery. The good news is that it all paid off! Making the effort to schedule the surgery and the physical therapy appointments gave me a new lease on life. I could enjoy walking with my wife again!
Similarly, we sometimes need surgery and physical therapy in our financial situations to get back on track. The ebb and flow of life can cause financial stress, whether through choices we’ve made or through life happening to us. The good news is that there is hope, but it will take work. In Scripture, we are urged to “contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3) and the same can be said of our finances. We need to “contend” for our finances by developing financial goals and staying focused until we reach them.
Just as I needed the help of a surgeon for my hip, we often need the help of an advisor for our finances. My wife was my “loving drill sergeant” during my recovery. She was the one that encouraged me to get off the couch and get moving. It was the constant push I needed to regain my health. Perhaps you need a push to regain your financial health. At Christian Wealth Management, we can provide the inspiration and technical advice you need to get off the financial couch and get a new lease on life.
Doug Hanson, MBA
Wealth Advisor