My Cat Ego

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Read Time / 2 Minutes

Theme / Financial Planning

I am sure it was a hard phone call for my Dad to make.  I was enjoying a leisurely summer morning as an eleven-year-old when the phone rang.  My mother answered and said it was my Dad calling from the office and he wanted to talk to me.  I picked up the phone and I listened quietly as my Dad, with sadness in his voice, shared with me that he had accidentally run over my cat that morning.


I had named the cat “Ego” the year before.  He was a Siamese cat and a little bit stand-offish, but he was still my cat.  I had fed him, played with him, stroked his fur, and heard him purr.  I took the news hard.  Apparently, Ego was sleeping in the engine and tried to escape just as the tires started rolling.  My Dad placed Ego’s body in a box in the garage, but I could not bear to look at it until my Dad came home after work.


That evening we buried Ego underneath a pine tree in our back yard.  With my Dad’s encouragement, I dug the hole, laid Ego to rest, and covered him with dirt.  My eyes moistened as we marked the grave and said a few words.  It was the first time I had experienced loss, and it was tough.  But the story has a happy ending.  I got a puppy a few weeks later!  I missed Ego, but my puppy eventually brought me much joy for many years to come.


Scripture teaches us that we all experience change during our lives: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).  These changes take many forms: a change in employment, a change in relationships, a change in health, a change in family, a change in education, a change in location, a change in circumstances, or a change in goals.  Financial implications often accompany changes.  If you have experienced changes, are experiencing changes, or are expecting changes, we are here to help you navigate to a brighter future, one even better than getting a new puppy!

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Doug Hanson, MBA

Wealth Advisor

(208) 697-3699



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