Is My Time Up?

Read Time / 3 Minutes

Theme / Personal Reflection

The terror of the ocean is rivaled only by God Himself.

A few months ago, I was on the coast of Southern California enjoying a pleasantly warm fall day.  I was laying on the beach, reading a book, to the soundtrack of crashing waves.  With the kiss from the sun on my skin, my senses were overwhelmed.  The beauty of the day had me awestruck; I can still imagine it.  After some time had passed, I began to get very warm as one would sitting in the sun.  Sensing a unique call from the ocean, I decided it was time to cool off and jump in.  

Though its cold waters brought temporary reprieve, the ocean’s pulse kept me.  Its power was captivating.

As the waves grew in strength, I realized my time was up.  But there was a problem.  I couldn’t get out.  Every time I attempted to swim to shore, the strength of the ocean ripped me back into its arms.  I panicked.  After a few failed attempts to escape, I exhausted my energy.  Coming to terms with my mortality, I decided to stop fighting the waves.

This experience with the ocean brought me a new perspective regarding life challenges.  Why do we jump into relationship with God and tell Him how to move?  Why do we resist God’s will to protect the “future” we’ve imagined?

Trusting God is like trusting the ocean.  We jump in expecting to be moved.  

The ocean is intimidating.  I would be content avoiding jelly fish and sharks for the rest of my life.  Like the ocean, God is mysterious.  His ways are higher than our ways.  His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.  Though we can not predict what He is going to do or when he moves, we do know His nature.  It is because of His nature, we can be confident in the midst of adversity.

Hebrews 11:1 states, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” 

Though I was unsure of the outcome caught in the waves that day, I was confident that my future was bright — whether on earth or in heaven.

Ryan De Amicis

Wealth Advisor



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