I Talk To Myself
Read Time / 2 Minutes
Theme / Faith & Finance
96% of adults admit they have an internal dialogue. While only 25% of these self-proclaimed adults admit they talk to themselves out loud.
Hello, my name is Ryan De Amicis, and I am one of these adults, who talks out loud to himself. I could be anywhere; most of the time, it’s at the grocery store and it’s an intense debate over whether or not I should by cookies.
Whether your dialogue with your self is internal or external, we can harness this trait for good. Many of us want the best investment available and wonder if we can be doing better elsewhere. If that’s you, go ahead and start a dialogue with yourself by posing the following questions:
• Have I repaid all short-term debt?
• Do I have adequate cash reserves?
• Am I diversified?
• Have I integrated my Biblical convictions into my
investment strategy?
• What are my reasons for making this investment?
• Am I investing unwisely due to an attitude of greed, pride, or fear?
• Am I presuming on the future and creating anxiety?
Proverbs 4:26 states, “Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.” As Christian Investor, we should continue to draw from Scripture to gain insight as we navigate through life.
Sometimes, I decide to add cookies to my shopping car, other times I pass on the dessert; but, rarely do I make the decision on pure impulse.
Ryan De Amicis
Wealth Advisor