How SMART Will Our 2023 Be?
Read Time / 2 Minutes
Theme / Wise Living
“How many miles do you think we walked yesterday?” I asked. With all of our guesses turned in, my iPhone’s accelerometer confirmed it — we walked 9.1 miles.
After a long day of exploring Star Wars land, eating churros, and waiting in lines for classics like Indiana Jones, visitors to Disneyland are usually granted with a night of deep sleep. For those who are traveling from out of town, a smart way to end a Disneyland trip means the journey home begins the next morning — late morning.
I love the morning. It offers a fresh opportunity to set the tone of the day, before the day sets itself. Just like the dawn of each day, New Year’s also provides similar opportunities. People across the world attempt to exchange unwanted habits for disciplines that closer reflect the person they aspire to become. Yet, after just one week, it’s common to give up on New Year’s goals and return to previous habits. Why?
Research suggests, we, humans, want to experience significant change now. But if we want to make goals more effective, it might be wise, or shall I say smart, to consider a goal strategy upgrade. You guessed it; it’s a pun. A S.M.A.R.T. goal can be defined as a goal that is…
Specific — Is the goal focused, clear, and precise?
Measurable — Is the goal numeric with progress trackable?
Achievable — Is the goal reasonably attainable?
Relevant — Does the goal line up with your values?
Time-based — Is there a timeline and deadline attached to the goal?
This process of goal setting is not new. Yet, each January 1st remains an excellent reminder for us to plan afresh.
While Disneyland may be conquered in one day without a plan, success in life is best accomplished by pursuing and embracing God’s plan.
Luke 14:28 states, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?”
Ryan De Amicis
Wealth Advisor