Cap Your Income?
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Theme / Faith & Finance
“The goal [of financial planning] is generally to help clients determine 'What’s enough?' for them to live on and use the rest to serve others" states Thrivent’s Mr. Hewitt.
Why would someone be motivated to put a cap on their income?
This reminds me of that silly, yet fun, game many of us used to play as kids — would you rather? A friend asks a question forcing the other to choose between two abilities — would you rather be Spiderman or Superman? — or disabilities — would you rather lose your arms or your legs?
When Christian Investors find their way into our office, they want help reaching their financial goals, and, often times, they are looking to us to help determine what those goals may be. Before we begin creating goals and working towards them, a quick game of would you rather will provide helpful perspective.
Would you rather build your kingdom or partner with the Creator of the Universe to build His Kingdom?
Like many other kingdoms, there’s probably a lot of good you can do building your own kingdom — provide for yourself, leave an inheritance for your kids, and help others in the process. While all of those things are good, they are likely subject to anxiety, insecurity, and a short-term perspective. If we partner with God to build His kingdom, we’ll yield one of my favorite fruits focusing on God’s agenda — peace (Isaiah 26:3 NLT).
Establishing what’s enough so that we can increase our generosity helps remember whose it is — the world is [His], and all that is in it. (Psalm 50:12b). After all why should we be afraid of missing out or having lack, when we know the limit to our humanity — What we build in a lifetime, can be squandered in a moment; BUT, in a moment, God can accomplish more than we can in a lifetime.
Lord, we desire to build Your Kingdom, and we are dependent on Your leadership to show us how.
Ryan De Amicis
Wealth Advisor