Another Case for BRI

Read Time / 2 Minutes

Theme / Biblically Responsible Investing

When meeting with clients, one of the things we often find them wrestling is whether or not they should prioritize investing in a biblically responsible manner or prioritize their investment performance.  Even steadfast Christian clients will wrestle with the biblical precedence of biblically responsible investing (BRI).  There are a few verses that we often quote when establishing that precedence, 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Deuteronomy 23:18 are two in particular.

As I was reading scripture recently, I was reminded of the importance of investing Biblically responsible.  Luke 6:45 says:


“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” (ESV)


The verse is from the parable of a tree and its fruit and illustrates the important that our heart posture has on the fruit we produce.  As it relates to our finances, it’s important that our heart posture be in the right place, as well as our treasure.  If our heart posture is in the right place, but we put our treasure in a place of evil how are we to expect good fruit to come from it?  I think this parable is another way of checking us as Christians and how we choose to invest.  Given the option, we should try to profit off the right things and in a way that most aligns with God’s word.  Practically, if we want evil fruit like abortion, pornography and child exploitation eradicated from this Earth, how is investing in companies that profit off those evils solving the problem?  Your heart may be in the right place, wanting to eradicate human evil from the world, but if we store our treasure in evil, evil will continue to flourish.  As I read and prayed over that verse it affirmed my conviction in BRI.  Continuing to align my treasure with where I want to see good fruit grow, and I hope it does the same for you.

Nathan Carroll

Registered Assistant



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