A Vibe

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Theme / Biblically Responsible Investing

What are your thoughts about slang?

Yes, slang may be vulgar but it’s certainly not limited to offensive language.  Vibe is a great example.  Vibe has become an acceptable term to communicate a positive feeling one may associate with an activity, experience, or person.  

Over time, society may crown a word with a new definition; a good example is the word — invest.   If you asked a handful of people to define invest, they may sum this word up by saying “to sacrifice something of value now expecting to receive something of greater value in the future.”  Though it’s a perfectly acceptable answer, the origins of the word have a different spin.

The literal Latin translation for invest is — to clothe.  Interesting, huh?  As early as the 14th century, the definition of invest meant to clothe in the official robes of an office.  Investing was about empowering somebody with their official uniform for a highly esteemed assignment.

Today, when we think about investing, we get excited about what we may get out of it — often, monetary return.  As we reflect over its origins, investing was actually about empowering someone else, specifically for noble work.

At Christian Wealth Management, we enjoy sharing how investing in stocks is simply purchasing ownership in a business — like Apple or Amazon.  Stock owners empower the companies they own in their portfolio, by supplying capital, to continue the work they are doing — good and bad.  As we ponder its origins, may we consider investing as a means to clothe companies with capital to go out and do good work.

As Christ followers, we are challenged to “do all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31b).”  If this is our assignment, what companies should we be clothing with capital?

Learning the slang of a community presents a unique opportunity to think about a word differently.  As I wrap up this blog,  I’m reminded of The Beach Boys tune — “good, good, good, good vibrations.”  Huh, maybe that’s where vibe came from.  It’s all speculation.

Ryan De Amicis

Wealth Advisor




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