6 Tasks of Adulting

Read Time / 2 Minutes

Theme / Faith & Finance

Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls. 

Luke 11:17b

Over the passed few months, I’ve been reading through a book called Aging Well.  A fascinating book with an intriguing title.  In the chapter titled “Ripeness Is All: Social and Emotional Maturation,” the author, George Vaillant, elaborates on six life tasks one picks up with age:

  1. Identity

  2. Intimacy

  3. Career Consolidation

  4. Generativity

  5. Keeper of the Meaning

  6. Integrity

Though I don’t know Dr. George Vaillant’s beliefs about God, his observations about life tasks are intriguing, specifically those regarding Career Consolidation & Integrity.  I am going to attempt to redefine these two tasks through a Biblical worldview; please be kind to me.  While Career Consolidation seems to be the life long task of translating our God given identity through the context of work, Integrity is the process of living out our God given identity through all aspects of our lives, with little regard to the cost.

For many who work at Christian Wealth Management, this career has been our landing spot for career consolidation.  Before I was ten, I had developed a strong desire to learn about God and money.  Now, as a Christian Financial Advisor, I get to partner with clients as we wrestle to connect our faith with our finances.

The word integrity continues to grip me.  Though it has various meanings, here’s the definition that has taken residence in my mind — the condition of being whole and undivided.  Doesn’t that feel like the journey we are on in life?  The journey of learning how to connect the truth to our daily decisions.

Lord, may we be people who live out our faith without compromise.

Ryan De Amicis

Wealth Advisor




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