5 Questions to Ask Yourself To Confirm You Are Getting A Good Deal
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Theme / Wise Living
When your Prius is roaring like a Harley, you know something is wrong. And, it was.
The catalytic converter on my 2005 Prius was taken by thieves in the night. After watching a tow truck drive away with my fuel efficient carriage, I was faced with the inevitable question: How was I to get around?
After minutes of patient consideration, I rushed to the computer to scour Facebook marketplace for my ideal solution — a gas powered scooter. Yes, I had rental car coverage through my insurance, but I needed another way to enjoy the Boise summer sun. Why would I need a rental car?
Human beings are impulsive. We are known to make decisions with minimal thought. So, before making your next large purchase, consider wrestling with the following 5 questions:
How have I been preparing for this purchase?
How often will I use this?
What’s the total cost of ownership?
How does that affect my budget?
How will this purchase impact my relationships?
We’ve been trained to believe getting a good deal means paying less than the listed price. In actuality, getting a good deal has little to do with the dollar amount paid and more to do with the buyer’s motivation. Proverbs encourages us to ponder the path of our feet; then all your ways will be sure (4:26).
That day I ended up buying a scooter. Though predictable expenses caught me by surprise, as I ponder the questions above, the scooter, for now, earns a place in my life by creating opportunities to enjoy a warm day and go on rides with friends.
Ryan De Amicis
Wealth Advisor